
Lars Jacobsen avatar image
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Lars Jacobsen asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Workspace Dashboard functionality inconsistent

When I save a workspace, all changes I make in 3D and Process Flow are retained when I open another workspace - or reopen the current workspace. This is not the case with Dashboard. The workspace apparently saves not only the dashboards, but also the content. So when I make changes to the content of a dashboard, these changes will disappear when I reopen the workspace. That also goes for delete graph which will reappear.

The workaround is it save the workspace each time you have made changes to the content of a dashboard. That can be quite a job if you have multiple workspaces as you have do the same changes in the dashboard for each workspace.

Is this a "feature", bug or just an intentional user interface inconsistency?

I am aware this problem have been reported before, but no action was taken on it.


WorkSpace Dashboard Bug.fsm

FlexSim 24.2.1
dashboardsbug reportworkspace
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

I think the naming is poor - rather than switching workspaces within which to work, you're saving workspace layouts in the same way as you save model layouts. When you save a layout it's a snapshot - it's not that you're working in a layout version and all changes are saved to that layout automatically until you switch to another layout.

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