
Chandler avatar image
Chandler asked Jason Lightfoot commented

What is the best way to see a chart of patient census by label vs. time?

I think this is best kept simple, so I'm not posting my failed attempts:

I want to see charts of all of my patient labels over time. For example, I want to see a distribution of acuity values 1-5 vs time in a stacked line or area chart.

I also sometimes store a preferred exam room group on a patient label, and I would want to see how many people have that preferred exam room group so I can compare to the census of that location group.

I've been trying to concoct various statistics collectors and I keep hitting walls (not impossible stuff, just things I haven't encountered yet).

How can I see census this way?

FlexSim 23.1.2
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Chandler commented

Hello @Chandler,

Does this fit what you are looking for?

I used Census vs time charts and added partitions for the patient labels.


Census by label vs time.fsm

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