
Maryam H2 avatar image
Maryam H2 asked Maryam H2 commented

Extracting waiting times for Pull requests and Resource acquisition

Hi there, I'd like to measure and extract the waiting time for tokens that are waiting in pull request activities, either within a single object flow or aggregated across multiple pull request activities in a single object flow or within a process flow in the General environment.

Is there a way to extract this waiting time for tokens to pull something from the list for all lists in the model? Also, is it possible to do the same for the Acquire activity from resources?

I'm attaching a simple model here.


FlexSim 23.2.0
pull from listtokenswait time
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Maryam H2 commented

Hey @Maryam H2, you can setup a Statistics Collector to get this information for you. I modified your model to get something like this:


I started by sampling the activities and the triggers I wanted to listen to. In this case, the On Entry and On Exit triggers of two different Pull from List activities in two different instances.


Notice how I set the "Row Value(s)" column to be the Token's ID. I made sure that the On Entry listener didn't finish the involved rows but the On Exit did. Then I setup the columns I wanted.


Each column has different information I thought would be useful, such as ID, Activity Name, the Instance, and times associated with the triggers. You can assign specific events to update certain columns (if you look at the lower part of the screenshot).

Then for the "StayTime" of a token in the activity, I simply subtracted the exit time from the entry time.

Table("StatisticsCollector1")[data.rowNum]["ExitTime"] - Table("StatisticsCollector1")[data.rowNum]["EntryTime"]

I got this idea from Jordan's answer in another post.

You can have it listen to other activities as well. Just add them to the Events tab and then link them to a column in the Columns tab. Hope this helps.


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Maryam H2 avatar image Maryam H2 commented ·
@Kavika F Got it, it's clear now. Thanks so much for the answer!
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