
night avatar image
night asked Jeanette F commented

How do I synchronise operators with cranes and transporter

I already have the following process flow going on, where the flow item will be delivered to the queue 1 via a transporter ( I would like to have an operator following it), then the cranes will deliver the flow item to the work bays. I would like to have an operator loading, unloading and following the crane. How do i go around to doing it? I tried looking at tutorial 2, but it says that synchronization tasks needs to have the same input and output.

Anyway, my question is how do I get the operator to load, unload and follow along with the cranes and transporter?

FlexSim 23.1.2
process flowoperatortransportercrane
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered

Hey @night, I'm not sure which "Tutorial 2" you're referring to; however, if you're talking about the Task Logic Tutorial 2 - Coordinated Tasks, then I'm not sure where you're referring to how synchronization tasks need to have the same input/output.

The tutorial walks through having 2 operators carry a box together. You can change this logic to have a crane and operator "carry" an object together.

Another option would be to use Network Nodes to define a path the operators and cranes take to move parallel to each other as they move objects around.

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