
Gabriel Morgante avatar image
Gabriel Morgante asked Gabriel Morgante answered

How can I set a specific item for a specific transporter?

Hello everyone,

First time here so be nice with me please... lol
I am trying to model a line where I have 3 cranes working together but each one of them have different max weight capacities. So there may be a item type that only one or two of the crane would be able to carry.
Is there a way to apply this logic to the transporters?
What would be the perfect solution for me would be a way to configure the crane so that it only would pick an item with a determined label or label value.

I hope someone can help me with that.

Thanks a lot!


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1 Answer

Gabriel Morgante avatar image
Gabriel Morgante answered

Guys I'll post what was my end solution for this problem in case someone looks for the same answer.

I did it using process flow since I have very little to none programming skills. Problably there's an easier way to do it by Flexscript...

My solution:

Since I was using a subflow to coordinate all my transports the answer was to use a sequence of Decides right after the "Start" activity of the subflow.
That way I was able to control which crane would be used for any specific item or destination.

For a decide based on the location I used a conditional decide where the condition was [ token.toObject == node("/destination_name", model()) ]

Where "true" means it's going to the said destination. Then the token would proced to acquire the appropriate resource.

For a specific item the logic is the same. A conditional decide with the condition [ token.item.Type == x ]

In my case I used a Type label but it could work with any label that suits best the model.

Attached is a print screen of the subflow with the conditions.

I hope it helps! Thanks for everything!

print1.png (22.3 KiB)
print2.png (4.2 KiB)
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