
a_ltf avatar image
a_ltf asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Flow time optimization

I want to create an optimization model to minimize total flow time by changing priority of Orders on each machine. Each machine has a fixed setup time and has a process time for each order calculated by "Process time" table" by a custom code. Each order can be done by one or more machines.
My question is :
I want each machine to pull the Order with minimum priority label & the order with diameter within range of machine range, from "machine dimensions" and "process time" tables.

Thank you in advance

FlexSim 22.2.0
pull strategy
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opt.fsm (191.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
1 Like"
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

You can put the diameter constraint on the pull requirement which will work in parallel with the pull strategy.

· 6
5 |100000

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