
Nikhil Rane avatar image
Nikhil Rane asked Nikhil Rane commented

why Forklift in zigzag movement using heat map

I have created model for warehouse, in A* navigation I am using prefer path for forklift movement, its following the path but in zigzag, not straight line.

Is there any way to correct that?


FlexSim 23.2.1
heat map
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Arun Kr avatar image Arun Kr commented ·
I see some network nodes here in the model. Forklifts connected to network nodes?

It is better to share the model, if the model is confidential share it as a private question

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Nikhil Rane avatar image Nikhil Rane Arun Kr commented ·
If i connect to network node, heat map doesnt work, so i am not using network node
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Nikhil Rane commented ·
You can create a map for any navigator type using this.
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Nikhil Rane commented

The heat map works by counting how many times a cell of the A* grid was visited by travelers. The area corresponding to a cell is then colored based on the relative quantity of visitors.

If the travel path does not align with the grid, this naturally leads to the "zig-zag" pattern you are seeing. You can decrease the grid spacing to get a somewhat "smoother" line, but it will never be completey straight unless the travel direction aligns with the grid.

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Nikhil Rane avatar image Nikhil Rane commented ·
Thanks Felix
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