
Haneen A avatar image
Haneen A asked Joerg Vogel commented

Heat map using A*, AStar to show congestion

I am working on a Luggage handling system, and currently, I'm trying to find a way to show Passengers congestion using the heat map provided by the A*.

I know the steps and followed the FlexSims manual provided here, yet it's not working, I looked for answers, and this post shows exactly what I'm trying to reach.

I tried everything and what I get is red lines that show passengers walking paths, I would rather have a red color in the congestion area rather than lines, same as the previous answer I mentioned.

for example:

Red color should be near each conveyor because passengers will be waiting for their luggage in that area and it will be crowded.

I hope my question is clear to you.

Thank you.


FlexSim 20.2.0
astarflexsim 20.2.0heat mapheatmapcongestion analysis
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
1 Like"
Jason Lightfoot answered Joerg Vogel commented

You should change your colors from all red so that you can distiguish hot from cold. (your color pallet was all red).

Then run this script to find out the maximum percentage for any traversal:

  1. treenode extraData=Model.find("AStarNavigator>stats/extraData");
  2. int maxtraversals=0;
  3. forobjectlayerunder(extraData){
  4.     maxtraversals=max(maxtraversals,getsdtvalue(a,"totalTraversals"));
  5. }
  6. double maxpercent=maxtraversals*100/Model.find("AStarNavigator>stats/heatMapTotalTraversals").value;
  7. return maxpercent;

and then enter that as the "hot" value in the field above called "Max Heat Value".

You will then see that the place with most traversals is at the front of cart collection area:

If you want other areas to appear as hot then just lower the number. But this just tell you where most traffic went, not if there is congestion - for that you may want look at agent systems.

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5 |100000

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