
Rambabu avatar image
Rambabu asked Jason Lightfoot answered

Packing four boxes in one pallet?

Hi all,

Today I have got one query regarding packing output. Actually we know source output gives one item like a Box or pallet or cylinder etc. But I need one packed output from source like(Four boxes packed in one pallet) is there any possibility to get the output ???


packing model.fsm

FlexSim 23.1.3
sourceoutputpackingpacking method
packing-model.fsm (38.6 KiB)
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

Here's a code snippet you can put on a pallet source's creation trigger:

  1. string fiName="Box";
  2. int numItems=4;
  3. Object flowitem=Model.find("Tools/FlowItemBin/"+fiName).first;
  4. Object packedItem;
  5. for (int n=numItems;n>0;n--) {
  6.     packedItem=flowitem.copy(model());
  7.     moveobject(packedItem,item);
  8. }


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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented
  1. You can create or move such a designed flow item into flowitem bin library like tree.
  2. you can replace a 3D source by a queue and transfer a creation process into process flow.
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