
bcallaghan avatar image
bcallaghan asked bcallaghan commented

Display PN Data on Sink

I want to see what the total process time was for each item hitting my sink, as there are a variety of different PNs with their respective differing process times. I also added some variation algorithms to the processors to create a more realistic actuals output for the process time. Any thoughts on how to see my total process time in my sink as a list of all the different PNs? Thanks!

FlexSim 21.2.4
sinksink datadata list
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered bcallaghan commented

Hey @bcallaghan, if you'd like to see total process time for all items that go to a sink, here's something you can try.


Add a label to each item that is their personal "ProcessTime". Add a label to the Sink that is "TotalProcessTime". Add an OnEntry trigger to your Sink that increments a label and increment your TotalProcessTime by the ProcessTime of each entering item.


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