
Arun avatar image
Arun asked Arun commented

Traffic Control


I have line with three processes. 1.Main Line 2.Finish Line 3.Paint Line. Each process has three bays with different cycle times. Transporting will be done by 2 transporters.
Now the issue is, Path of transporter is same for

1.main line to finish and

2. Finish to paint line


When one transporter is there in line path other transporter has to wait to cross. I have tried traffic control but If operator passes through intermediate node,he not stopping.

Thnaks in advance

Traffic control.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.1
network nodetraffic control
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1 Answer

Jacob W2 avatar image
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Jacob W2 answered Arun commented

Hi @Arun,

I added a traffic controller to your model, as well as some secondary network nodes that stop an operator before they reach the main line if the line is currently being used. It seems to be working as you described it should work.

In the upcoming Version 24 it will be possible to use a control area with A* navigation which will simplify creating models similar to this one.


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Arun avatar image Arun commented ·
Hello @Jacob W2

Thanks for the answer. Exactly I needed.

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