
Rambabu avatar image
Rambabu asked Sri_vikas K answered

How to transfer the operator after work done on one station.

Material transfer by sequence.fsm
Hi Flexsimers,
In my model I am optimizing the time for operator, Where I wanted to make two operators work on three stations, I am creating the items on queues in different times. The operator has to transfer the material to linked processors from queues, The operator should work on transferring material from one queue and after completely transferring the material from one queue the operator should go to the next queue to transfer the work.

Thanks In advance

FlexSim 23.2.0
liststask sequence
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Sri_vikas K avatar image
Sri_vikas K answered

Hey @Rambabu

The model attached below might be helpful to you, In the model I did to put the operator in a list and made the token to pull all item values as arrays and created a run sub flow to achieve the task.

Array Values Running Runsubflow.fsm

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

This will be easiest accomplished using a process flow where you acquire the operator resource by a token representing the queue and release the operator when the queue is empty.

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