
lancewu avatar image
lancewu asked Jason Lightfoot commented

The problem of Nogui automatically creating dashboard

I am using the following flexscript to automatically create charts, which can be run.

But when I run this code in the case of nogui, it is not feasible. I guess it's because 'function_s (dashview1,' createGraphWindow ', chartview1,1);' cannot run in nogui mode. Are there any alternative flexscripts available?

My requirement is to obtain Output Per Hour or Statedata without manual operation during nogui. Is there any other method?

Object dashview1=views().find("active>Documents/Dashboard/1+/~");
Object chartview1=views().find("viewslibrary/Dashboard/Output/ThroughputPerHourBar");
treenode chart1=function_s(dashview1,"createGraphWindow",chartview1,1);
FlexSim 22.1.4
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lancewu avatar image lancewu commented ·

Thank you for your review!!

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Kavika F avatar image Kavika F ♦ commented ·

Hey @lancewu, when you run FlexSim with "nogui", then there will be no gui for you to get those dashboards from - they won't draw or have any data. If you want to get data out of your model without the gui, then you'll have to record it somewhere via Statistics Collector, Excel, or some other way to store off.

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lancewu avatar image lancewu Kavika F ♦ commented ·

thank u ,i hope to use code to automatically load StatisticsCollector to collect data on uph and state in the case of nogui. I noticed that the StatisticsCollector of the dsahboard is automatically configured. Is there a good way for me to call the StatisticsCollector of the icon without creating a dashboard

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel lancewu commented ·

@lancewu, perhaps you look into the manual. There is whole main chapter about gathering data of a model. You want to build a model in a variant, which is leaving a typical procedure, then you have to learn to build customized statistic collectors yourself. Template statistics collectors are bound to dashboard charts. You can drag them into your model, and you can deactivate their chart dashboard later.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @lancewu,

We haven't heard back from you. Were you able to solve your problem? If so, please add and accept an answer to let others know the solution. Or please respond to the previous comment so that we can continue to help you.

If we don't hear back in the next 3 business days, we'll assume you were able to solve your problem and we'll close this case in our tracker. You can always comment back at any time to reopen your question, or you can contact your local FlexSim distributor for phone or email help.

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