
Sung Kim avatar image
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Sung Kim asked Sung Kim commented

programmatically toggle network view modes

When you X-click a network node, the network cycles through different view modes, allowing you to show or hide the network.

Is there a way I can select a different network view mode through code?

FlexSim 16.0.1
codenetwork nodesview modeprogrammatic controlx-click
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered Sung Kim commented
  1. function_s(netnode, "setViewMode", viewmode);

For the parameters:

  • netnode is a reference to one of the network nodes in your model
  • "setViewMode" shouldn't change. It specifies the function to run
  • viewmode is an integer 1, 2 or 3, for the different view modes show all, show edges, show nothing

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