I have several networks in my very large model. One for operators at Landside Receiving, which I set to invisible. Then I created another one for trucks at the docks. When I wanted to toggle the view mode, I can change all to Non visible or just edges, but if I select to see all nodes for further editing I get the below error message and the entire graphics of the model gets messed-up, so I cannot save it like this nor edit the network any more.
The error occurs for the network node NN305 that remained visible to toggle the view modes of the operator network.
Could you please tell me, whether this can be fixed (don't want to delete all network nodes from the tree and start again) and what I maybe done wrong to avoid this mistake in the future? It cannot be a graphics card issue as it happens on both my laptops...
Thanks for your help,
- exception: Exception Caught in NetworkNode::buildMesh() object: /GF/LANDSIDE_RECEIVING/NN305
- exception: Exception Caught in NetworkNode::onPreDraw(treenode view) object: /GF/LANDSIDE_RECEIVING/NN305
- exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction233__project_library_FlexSimEventHandler_behaviour_eventfunctions_OnPreDraw object: /GF/LANDSIDE_RECEIVING/NN305 class: /GF/LANDSIDE_RECEIVING/NN305
- exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::receivemessage()
- exception: EditorSpatial::prepareDraw()