
EK avatar image
EK asked EK commented

Use transport: define centerport connection by output port

Hi, will you be able to advise me on how to setup different TE (centerport connection) based on port number? For output port 1, use transport centerport connection 1, for output port 2, use transport centerport connection 2.

I am hoping to be able to avoid item labels and process flow because this piece of simulation sits between 2 zones where each zone has a dedicated TE. If any items arrive at this area, depending on the destination zone, the correct zone shuttle should transport the flow item.

Use transport by outport port.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.2
output portuse transport
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered EK commented


If you look sharply at the header of this source code, you see a local variable declared as "port".

Now I assume that this is the output port the object item will leave this object. And if you edit the template in a manner that output port number is identical to centerport number of involved taskexecuter you get probably a desired behavior.


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