
Fernando Q3 avatar image
Fernando Q3 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

item is not pulled when backorder is fulfilled (by using item list)

Esqueleto prueba.fsm


we have a problem with the "pull from pedidos" in queues 6 & 9. Both are in "on the end collecting" triggers. When checking out the entries and backorder lists, the pull system works, but if there is a backorder and the item (box) arrives to queue 2 and does the push, it is removed from backorder queue but the box does not move to queue 4 (moveobject(pulled, Model.find("Queue4"));). Currently, it is happening with "item.NumOrden" = 7.


FlexSim 23.1.2
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

The condition:

  1. TrackedVariable("PedidosPro2").value > TrackedVariable("PedidosPro1").value

is no longer true so the rest of the code, including your OnPulled action does not fire.

This seems odd that the pull gets out of sync with the condition - something that inline awaiting for the backorder fullfillment event would potentially solve. I'll bring this up for discussion.

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