
Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
Patrick Zweekhorst asked Arun Kr commented

Split flow of massFlowConveyor


I am trying to model a can line where the first 500 cans need to be sent to waste. I am using the mass flow conveyor for this, but it is not completely working as I want it to work. The model looks like this:


Where the bottom lane is the lane for waste. Sending the first 500 cans to the bottom line is working, by using the Upstream Output Order property. I was thinking to change those numbers once I hit 500 cans. But this is not working. The flow just continues on the bottom conveyor. Even when stopping the first MFC, changing the numbers and starting it again it won't change the route.

Is it even possible to use the Upstream Output order property like this?
Or are there other options to get this working?

Many thanks in advance,



FlexSim 23.1.4
massflowconveyorupstream output order
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1 Answer

Arun Kr avatar image
Arun Kr answered Arun Kr commented

Using set property on UpstreamOutputOrder and using values 0 and 1. The route is behaving as per your description.

  1. Object MFC2 = Model.find("MFC2");
  2. Object MFC3 = Model.find("MFC3");
  3. MFC2.setProperty("UpstreamOutputOrder",0);
  4. MFC3.setProperty("UpstreamOutputOrder",1);


splitflow-1-1.fsm (48.5 KiB)
· 3
5 |100000

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