
Aaron S6 avatar image
Aaron S6 asked Aaron S6 commented

MassFlowConveyor - Decision Points & Triggers Help


I'm very new to FlexSim and I am running into difficulty using the built in MassFlowConveyor Decision Points and Triggers. The typical conveyor decision point object does not appear to work for the MassFlowConveyor, so I'm trying to use the built in function. For my model forumevaluation.fsm I'm simply trying to change the item (box) color to black based on the state change (blocking) of the decision point. I cannot get this to work. In addition, when setting a trigger and clicking both "Apply" and "OK" the trigger data disappears once I reopen the conveyor's properties window. Can you please provide a sample model showing how to use MassFlowConveyor Decision Points and Triggers?


FlexSim 20.0.0
decision pointstriggersmassflowconveyor
forumevaluation.fsm (49.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

zacharyh avatar image
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zacharyh answered Aaron S6 commented

@Aaron S6

The trigger not saving may be a bug with the new software. We do not have any tutorials of how to use the MassFlowConveyor. Please search on our answers website to see if other FlexSim users may have seen a similar problem. You can also try using Process flow to control some things, such as what I provide below.


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Aaron S6 avatar image Aaron S6 commented ·

Hi @zachary.h,

I appreciate the response! What I am ultimately looking for is decision point logic, instead of using the output port. This is because the primary conveyor feeds several perpendicular conveyors via divert. Instead of breaking up this main conveyor into multiple sections, and using the output port for each decision, I would rather place decision points along one conveyor. Does this make sense? I have done some initial searching on your website but haven't been successful in finding a resolution.

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zacharyh avatar image zacharyh ♦ Aaron S6 commented ·

@Aaron S6

I have been trying to work with the Mass Flow Conveyor to get something working to show you. But it appears that it may be a bug when trying to using the built in decision points. The Dev team has been notified and have added it to their list.

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Aaron S6 avatar image Aaron S6 zacharyh ♦ commented ·

Thanks @zachary.h, looking forward to results!

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