
kuo avatar image
kuo asked Jeanette F commented

How to revise my process flow?

I'd like to ask how can I revise my process flow. As i've attached my model,I create the item and assign label to the items. The items need to go through different process according to their labels.

For example, type 1 need to go to queue 1 first, then be processed, and go to queue 3 next , then be processed. Each queue may be entered several times. I use move object in my subflow, but i have no clue how to move the object after my item is done. That's my question.

And an additional question is, i use change visual in my process flow to change the item's appearance into patient. But it didn't work, the item is transparent. I want to know how to change the visual effectively. Thanks in advanced.

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FlexSim 23.2.1
processs flowvisualsub flow
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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @kuo, was Kavika F's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always comment back to reopen your question.

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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Hey @kuo, let me try to help you solve the errors in your model.

1. You are using a "Change Visual" activity, but are supplying the wrong parameters.


You name the token "patient", but that doesn't give it a label 'token.patient', which is what you're trying to access. If you want to change the shape of an object, you first need to have an object appear in your model. You currently don't have one. You should use the "Create Object" activity or "Create Person" activity depending on what you're trying to do. Then you won't need to try to change the visuals. If you're making people to flow throughout your model, you may just want to use a "Person Flow" instead.

2. Your "Decide" activity sends tokens based on a "process" label.


However, you never assign one. Instead you have a "type" label.


You need to change one or the other to match if you want diverging paths.

3. In your subflow, you're trying to move a Process Flow token into a 3D model object.


This will break stuff. Don't try to move Process Flow tokens into 3D objects and vice versa. Instead, you'd need a reference to the person (that you create earlier after redoing your Process Flow) so you can move them.

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kuo avatar image kuo commented ·

Hi i've revised my model and it can create object indeed. But i'd like to know how to create and refer an object flow to my process flow, as the process i mentioned in my question. Could you please give me an example of object flow? That would help me a lot!

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ kuo commented ·

It sounds like you should do the Healthcare Tutorials.

An object flow can represent activities for any object - fixed, tasks executers or being moved through the model like flow items. There is no one example but for each, it's invocation/instantiation will create a token (or multiples) according to a the type of source you add to the object flow.

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