
mohammadmajd avatar image
mohammadmajd asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Utilization of operator vs. processor

I have 3 operators and three processors. Operators are connected to the processors through a dispatcher. All the processors and operators are on the same schedule. However, the utilization % of operators differs from the utilization of processors. I am trying to understand why this can happen. Any insights?



I even exported the data from these graphs and made a pivot table. As you can see the seconds are also different.


FlexSim 23.0.7
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered mohammadmajd commented

I noticed that the total non-excluded time of the processors is higher than that of the operarators.This is probably due to an unwanted side effect of all objects using the same time table. If an operator goes down while a processor is utilizing it, the processor's state will change to "Waiting for Operator". This also happens if the processor itself is down. As a result, if a processor goes down before its operator while it is active, it will spend the down time in the "Waiting for Operator" state. To work around this, make sure that the operators go down first by placing them at the top of the time table's members list.


This does not explaing the discrepency between the processing/setup and utilize times. I could not recreate that issue in a test model. Could you attach your model or an example model where the issue is present, so we can investigate further?

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