
rheem avatar image
rheem asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Rename dashboard charts and changing colors.

I'm using output chart (Hour by type) and trying to change Type 1 through Type 6 to different names and colors, i need to use a different color for each individual blue bar. Does FlexSim have the capability? if so, how can I do that ? please see attached picture


FlexSim 23.2.3
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Install the chart'c components in the "Advanced" tab of the properties. This will make the Statistics Collector that store the information for the chart accessible in the toolbox and revert the chart itself to a generic variant with fewer "quality of life" settings in the properties but more fine control (you will lose the option to define which objects the chart belongs to for example).

In the second Statistics Collector that will be added (the non-"core" collector), you can change the name of "Type" into whatever you want to display in the chart legend.


In the chart's properties, set the "Data Format" to "One Bar per Row". You can then choose which column of the Statistics Collector determines the color of the bars.



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