
Helen avatar image
Helen asked Helen commented

Sequencing production in Join Combiner

Good morning,

I'm trying to join items in a combiner based on a specific sequence. As a simplification, what I'm trying to do it is to produce 3 Product A and 5 Product B. At the same time, Product A needs to assembly 3 parts from Source 1 with 1 from Source 2 and Product B needs to assembly 2 parts from Source 3 and 1 from Source 2.

Based on the answer from Janette F in the forum, I'm facing several issues:

1. I don't manage to enter pallets one at a time.

2. I don't manage to join the parts instead of combining them. I've seen there is an option to batch but not sure on how to join them.

3. Even though I ask in the second product to be send to the Product B queue, it send it to the Product A queue.

Thanks in advance,



FlexSim 23.2.1
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Helen commented

1. Just set the maximum content of the queue to 1.

2. What exaxtly do you mean by "join" here? The combiner fixed resource has an option to join items, meaning it will delete all items but the container before releasing it. Is that your goal?

3. You are looping the tokens. As a result, each pallet will receive items indefinitely and swap between the two product queues every time it does. It seems your Process Flow should actually look more like below.


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· 5
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