
José Juan Ramírez Gutiérrez avatar image
José Juan Ramírez Gutiérrez asked Jeanette F commented

Pull Flow Process

I have a combiner that requires different raw material from different Queues to process a reference. I've been having issues doing it with the Process flow option.

Here is an example of what I'm asking:

A combiner requieres 2 items from Source1 and 1 item from Source3. Until the objects requiered don't arrive to the combiner, it is not going to be possible for the combiner to join the components.

Here is our model: FLEXIMPROCESSFLOW.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.0
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Kavika F commented

@José Juan Ramírez Gutiérrez, the "Combiner" in your model is simply a Queue that looks like a combiner. I see you're trying to combine items onto pallets with Process Flow. You're pushing items onto a list by partition based on the Queue they're in. Then you're pulling from that queue alone because you're pulling based on partition ID.

You could take a look at this post I made with a sample model explaining how you can use an actual Combiner to change combiner quantities and types.

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