I would like to create the effect of popping up the graphical Time Table to the user using code.
I manage to get the desired Time Table to open using:
- treenode timetable = Model.find("Tools/TimeTables/TimeTable1");
- treenode viewnode = createview("VIEW:/pages/tools/TimeTable Parameters", timetable.getPath(), timetable.getPath());
However, the Time Table opens with its first tab called "Members" active. I would like to activate the "Table" tab so that its contents are visible before I request the feedback of the user using msg.
Investigating the tree structure of the resulting view suggests that changing the active tab by clicking on the GUI changes the value of the subnode:
- viewnode.find("/tabcontrol>itemcurrent").value = 3;
but doing so using code is not enough - I'm still missing some kind of a redraw instruction. I tried:
- running the code on OnSelect subnode as following:
- nodefunction(viewnode.find("/tabcontrol>OnSelect"))
- looking for any subnode named "PageOnOpen" (which is referenced in the OnSelect code) for more clues - but I didn't manage to locate it.
I am attaching a dummy model that demonstrates the behavior I'm intending on creating. Could you please suggest how to have the Time Table open with the "Table" tab active?