
chembra13 avatar image
chembra13 asked Jeanette F commented

How to use a Processor pass/fail to send part to different location using list.


I am trying to simulate a process where you have multiply items that have different steps to go through in my simulation but all end that the same sink. I have made a simplified version of my simulation and attached it this question.

I have two different items going through my simulation. The red cylinder is supposed to always go from queue2 to the sink1. The brown box is supposed to go from queue1 to processor1. Then processor1 will make a pass/fail decision. If it passes is go the sink1, If it fails it goes to processor2 and then sink1.

I am using lists to manage the parts through the process. For the pass/fail at processor1 I am setting a label "PF" to 1 for pass and 0 for fail by percentage ( 75% -1 and 25% - 0). I have processor2 and the sink1 both looking at the same list for the pull strategy and then trying to use the label "PF" for the pull requirement but it does not seem to be working. I am I just missing something or can this not be done. I am fairly new to Flexsim so any help would be apprecaited.

I am using the advance AGV template because I need my simulation to have the AGV park when not in use. I am using Flexsim 23.0.13

Example Simulation.fsm

FlexSim 23.0.13
procesorusing listslabel logic
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F commented

Hello @chembra13,

In the manual it explains that the pull strategy determines what port (or in this case list) the item is pulled from and pull requirement determines what item is pulled. In the case of the list though it looks like you need to use the query instead of the pull requirement to pull the correct item from the list.



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