
Enara avatar image
Enara asked Felix Möhlmann edited

Process Flow dont work


I want simulate a model that creates different references from the diferent raw material, with the products created create other ones. For that, I have created a Process Flow for each component that will be created, each one with a different counters, Partition ID, Label...

The counters are created to count the exact amount of products that need to be produced before it starts producing the next product. However, looking at the dashboard the corresponding materials don´t flow as it should.

PBL nivel 2 mejor 2.fsm

Thank you.

FlexSim 22.1.4
process flowqueuejoin
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann edited

Queue15 (for "Z" parts) is not pushing its items onto the part list. Apart from that the model seems to work.

5 |100000

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