
Rara Hasna avatar image
Rara Hasna asked Jeanette F commented

Parameters, group of objects, more than 1 output ports

Hello, on this model below I try to group an operator, processor, and queue in Plane 1 (reference:

The Processor itself processes all items and then separate them to 2 Output Ports by Item Types (I use Output > Send to Port > Port by Case):1706528470273.png

I already set the Plane as a Group and used it for parameters, but the problem is if I set the parameter value to 2, the item that went to Processor1_2 got blocked and couldn't send the item to Output Ports. If I see the Output Ports, the processor suddenly adds another blank output port as the first output port. I tried to delete it but every time I re-run it the blank output port just added by itself.


Can you tell me what's wrong with the model and help me to fix it? Thank you very much.

experimenter plane.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.0
groupsplaneoutput portparameter
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jeanette F commented

As Felix say's, this does look like a bug - thanks for pointing it out. I'll send it to the developer team.

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