
Fauzy Syaputra avatar image
Fauzy Syaputra asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Global tables as parameter values

Can a global table become parameter values in FlexSim? I want to create a scenario using parameters where each scenario has different global table values for 'IntervalArah,' and at the same time, the process flow at the state 'Determine who gets on at Station 1 and where they go' will also be different for each scenario. What approach is suitable?


FlexSim 22.2.0
global tableexperimenterparametersscenario
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

You can use an "Expression" type parameter and type in the name of the table.


Then refer to the parameter whenever you access the table. This let's you add multiple tables (with different names) and control which table is used in which scenario.

  1. Table(Model.parameters.ArahIntervalTable)

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