
mark zhen avatar image
mark zhen asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Automatically select the number of machines

-autosave-1.fsmI have an idea. Since my DASHBOARD data will take all machines into consideration, the simple solution is to manually improve it. But I want to know how many machines the GROUP will automatically select to join production (I think the way to judge may be to judge how many Qs have something in them?).

FlexSim 23.0.0
-autosave-1.fsm (105.7 KiB)
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5 |100000

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

Hi @mark zhen , was Iago MF's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always comment back to reopen your question.

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1 Answer

Iago MF avatar image
Iago MF answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Hi Mark,

I recommend you to control how many machines are active using a parameter. Then, you can add processors to a group On Reset and link the dasboard to that group. The code to add a member to a group is:


I hope it helps you!

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mark zhen avatar image mark zhen commented ·

I would like to ask where to add this?

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Iago MF avatar image Iago MF mark zhen commented ·

Hi, you can add this in a parameter trigger or on model trigger On Model Reset. I send you the model with this implemented in the parameter trigger:

-autosave-1 (1).fsm

I've created a new group named "ActiveProcessors" and a parameter with the same name. Then, I use this script in the trigger On Set of the parameter: 1706693260739.png

I'm calling the Group directly in the script, but you can also use the variable "reference" because the parameter is linked to the group.

Then, I linked this group to the dashboards:


And change the token creation to meet the number of active processors in this group:


I hope it helps you!

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-autosave-1-1.fsm (105.2 KiB)
mark zhen avatar image mark zhen Iago MF commented ·

I think there may be a misunderstanding. My idea is to assume that I have a hundred machines in it today, but when I place an order, I want to test the average operation rate of 10 machines. The initial approach It is to adjust the contents of GROUP, but I want to know if there is a simpler and automatic way to adjust the contents of GROUP.-autosave-1.fsm

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-autosave-1.fsm (105.7 KiB)
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