
MPeyman avatar image
MPeyman asked MPeyman commented

Linked several nodes/queue together

Dear all, in the attached model I have created the model without link and the model with paired linked node that are linked base on distances. Now I would like to link several node together for instance queue2,4,6,8 together and queue 3,5,7,9 together.



FlexSim 23.0.8
linked node
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered MPeyman commented

If a Queue is in multiple groups or zone then instead of having a single Zone with a partition of eg. [Q3,Q5,Q7,Q9] then you might instead push zone identifiers to a list and try to pull all the zones for which a single Queue is a member.

I'd recommend you describe your endgame rather than a series of incrementally more complicated scenarios - since it will be quicker and we can avoid giving you simpler solutions which do not scale with complexity.

· 16
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MPeyman avatar image MPeyman commented ·
@Jason Lightfoot , the visiting location given by the algorithm and I try to make linked node in order to generate the traffic/queue/delay for the vehicle, so first I tried pair linked node but it didn't creates much traffic/delay so now I want to link more nodes together then it will create more delay for operator to wait and complete the list.
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ MPeyman commented ·
Okay, then you just need to decide if each queue is in more than one zone and if it is, create an array of zone identifiers that you can try to acquire/pull/reserve/seize when you need to travel there. If they're all just in one zone that has n queues in it then just use the zone label as before and use the standard Zone Partition by your label value.
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MPeyman avatar image MPeyman Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

@Jason Lightfoot , for instance if I want to have 3 zones with n queues in it, then I should create token label called 'zonePartition1','zonePartition2','zonePartition3', and For the linked queues add a pointer label to each called 'linkedQueue' , which is a list of array like [Q3,Q5,Q7,Q9], then should I run the script? also Add another token label called "zonePartition" before the EnterZone - setting the value to:

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