
poopatel avatar image
poopatel asked poopatel commented

Pull based on upstream demand

Hey, I am a bit new to flexsim and trying to figure out this example model for a bigger project - I have 3 Queues (SC1, SC2, SC3) which will pull item from PDC1 which will pull item from MainQueue. The pull condition variables are mentioned in a global table. Each part has a variable name CAC which is based on normal distribution (mean:225, sd:25). A part that is being pulled must be between specified min and max CAC value as per demand of upstream process. Would be great if somebody can help me code up the pull conditions or show me how can I proceed. Thanks!


FlexSim 23.2.3
global tablelist pullupstream output orderpull condition
example-model.fsm (31.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered poopatel commented

You talk about how the queues should be pulling items, but in your model the queue have to accept whatever item the processors work on. It's the processors that have to make the decision what to pull.

In the attached model processor 1, 5, 6 and 7 read the allowed ranges from the global table in a query in their On Reset trigger. In the Pull Requirement they compare the item's CAC value to each range. If it falls into one of the ranges, the item is pulled.

There are two entries in the table for SC1, so I assumed that both of those are valid ranges for the CAC value.


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