
Amy avatar image
Amy asked Amy commented

[Flexsim HC] Priority-Based Patient Assignment (transfering patients)

I want to build a simulation model for intra-hospital transfers.

- Is it possible to specify how patients are assigned to transfer agents based on priority using the data I currently have?

- If there is a way to assign them within Flexsim, what options are available?

- I want to assign patients based on priority, such as assigning them to transfer agents who are closer in proximity or have fewer transfer tasks. Are there features within Flexsim that can easily accommodate such criteria?

- Additionally, in the current hospital system I'm targeting, multiple patients are assigned to transfer agents simultaneously, and the agents must complete the transfers assigned to them during their shifts. Is it possible to simulate this aspect as well, where transfers may be added while transfers are already in progress?

Thank you in advance.

FlexSim 22.2.0
flexsim hchospitaltransfering patientspatient assignment
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Amy commented

Hello @Amy,

Yes, all of your requests are possible within FlexSim. There are two sides to your acquiring rules. On the patient side the patients need to be sorted by priority and this can be accomplished by setting the query in the back orders. On the transfer agent side they need to be sorted by distance and this can be a query with pulling the agent.



How exactly to set up your last request can depend on how you set up your model and other details. It would most likely involve using lists.

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