
kimsh avatar image
kimsh asked Felix Möhlmann answered

merge multi line question




As shown in the picture below, I'm making line merge and branch modeling. I've finished branching from starting point to 4 branches (immature), but if you look at the next line, it's very complicatedly linked.
If you let me know what you're going to have to do,
1. What I want to implement at the point where the main/2nd/3rd line is merged is that if one item passes by the stopper in the merged line while waiting at the stopper position of each line, I want to make one item move to the merged line according to the priority among the three lines.
(To make it easier to understand, I will call the line where the main/2nd/3rd line merged as the Coco main line.)

2. Compared to Coco Mainline and 4thline, Coco Mainline is the priority. So, line 4 will only move if the item is empty in main/2nd/3rdline. The important thing at this time is the gap... If the Coco Mainline item moves and the 4thline moves right away, it's the wrong situation. So, the purple box part is very ambiguous. It should not be able to stop the item over there. It has to pass by unconditionally, or access at all or set up.

3. The orange boxed part should be able to fit just one car. This is complicated for me. It's hard to limit space because there are many ways to do it. Any other way? Would it be best to lay that conveyor line down and define that the section can only fit one car? (I don't know how to set it up to fit one car, but...)

That's a lot of requests. I'm always getting a lot of help, but it's not easy...

FlexSim 23.2.2
merge multi line question
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·
I would set up a zone by photo eyes to decide which lane is allowed to merge items. If an item has left this zone, a decision is made. I would push all available items onto a list and pull in an empty zone an item ordered by lane number. Once I know which lane becomes active I can allow to pull more items from the same lane. If an item in lane 1 enters my zone, I must restrict pulling more items from active lane until lane 1 item arrives at a critical point to stop other lanes to release items.
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Jörg's suggestion of using lists to pull the item from the lanes is what I would to as well. Though the area restriction logic can be handled by area restriction option on the decision points.


Something seems to have broken the conveyors (possibly the mixed settings on the Entry/Moving/Stopping Space that you had set). Items randomly stop at some points.

But the general logic I implemented in the attached model should be sound.

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