
Jim avatar image
Jim asked Jim commented

Task error when picker tries to travel at the correct item to pick

Hello dear community,

I am having trouble creating a picking process for my warehouse model. In this model boxes are created on pallets and then the pallets are stored at slots in racks that matches their sku. I am trying ro create random picking orders, based on the 2019 warehouse model that is uploaded, but when my picker is to travel at the correct item to pick, a task error appears. I think i am making a mistake when i search for the item that matches the sku or when i record the item onto the parent. I would really appreciate any of your help on the matter. Also, is there a way to determine the percentage of ABC types that each order is going to have? Thank you in advance.

Best regards,



FlexSim 21.0.10
pickingorder pickingwarehousingerrormessage
pick-process.fsm (893.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jim commented

Your items all point to the model:

1708959474112.pngThe item you find will be the pallet.

You should not mark it as outbound since you're picking items from it, not removing the pallet.

You will need to ensure yourself that you do not add picks that have already been earmarked for picking. This is a limitation of the storage system at the moment - it only tracks containers (pallets) not their content.

1708959474112.png (7.0 KiB)
· 7
5 |100000

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