
j08j avatar image
j08j asked Jeanette F commented

How to set source "Triggers" and rack "slot assigned strategy" using code?

There is my action to set source property, how can I do these step by FlexScript?

There is my code.IO by Paint Slot.fsm

Since I had set product's label and paint slot with different type, I want to assigned product into rack slot by matching label.

1.Source Triggers




2. rack property


FlexSim 24.0.2
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

@123, rack property answered Jason Lightfoot in a different thread. and triggers are containing executable string text. You can append a limited amount of characters as a string to a node and let a nodefunction execute such a string. But if you are looking for an automatically created source code of several line of code, you can write such a code into an xml formatted text file which you can read into a treenode in your model tree. Currently you try to shape a model while it is running. This is not an intended use of a simulator tool. You can think of a multiple step approach of preparing a model automatically in a first model run. Then on further steps you add parameters and at other runs and finally you let do the experimenter several runs to return results of a model. But you won't get it to work by FlexSim alone. You need a system routine to start FlexSim or execute a run start several times after finishing some changes in your model.

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