
Thomas avatar image
Thomas asked Thomas edited

Decide which conveyor to take based on conveyor with zone

Objective: The goal is that when a box is present in queue 1 and there is no box yet on either conveyor belt, operator 1 places it on the correct conveyor belt. This will then be filled by operator 2 and finally operator 1 will place it in queue 3.

problem: I don't understand how to tell decide to select based on the content of the conveyor, so when conveyor 1 is empty, put it on conveyor 1, if it is full check whether conveyor 2 is empty and put it there if both are full then wait and repeat this again. How can I do this?

optional problem: In reality, a box is now placed in the tote on the conveyor, but I am unable to do this, so I have to do a destroy + change object. Is there a way to apply this combiner action here?

Thank you in advance!!

Test WPO1 uitgang.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.1
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1 Answer

Nil Ns avatar image
Nil Ns answered Thomas edited

Hey Thomas, You can use the Max Wait Timer on the Enter Zone to release the token to another activity if the token can’t enter.


Please check this model.



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Thomas avatar image Thomas commented ·

Thanks for helping! Is it also possible to pack a tote with a box on the conveyor like is possible in the with a combiner?

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Sure, just set the box to be unloaded to the tote (token.pallet).


And you can also use a Wait for Event activity to wait for the arrival of the tote back at DP2/DP3 instead of the Event-Triggered Source and Join that you currently use.


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capture2.png (16.9 KiB)
Thomas avatar image Thomas Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Thanks! it works like as I had in my mind :-)

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