
The_Line avatar image
The_Line asked Jeanette F commented

Racking and Floor Storage Fill/Transport Problem



I am trying to get a transport(forklift) to take pallets from the que and load them on to the racks that I assigned it through the paint slot feature. My problem is that the pallets only fill to a certain amount and then the transport stops or the pallets continuously lay next to eachother even if the rack ends. When I use boxes instead of pallets it works a little better, but still not completely. In the attached model I have everything using the red label as a test.

FlexSim 24.1.0
rack storagetransportersload unload pallets
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

- You currently generate items with a product label between 1 and 101, because you use the random number stream of the source as the upper limit in the "duniform()" distribution.

- All racks are set to only pull items with a product type of 1 in their Pull Requirement. If you want to match the slots based on the labels this should be the default "Pull Items Successfully Assigned To Slot". Since this option is not available in the dropdown (for some reason), you can copy the needed code from a newly added rack.


- All rack slots are also painted with a value of 1 for the "product" label.

- Some of the racks have a nonsensical Slot Stacking Order set (like X+ > X-, items can't be stacked in both the positive and negative x direction).

1711611506386.png (84.7 KiB)
· 5
5 |100000

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