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Forklift not Picking Items from Pallet in Racks based on Picking List

I am trying to simulate the picking of an order in batches based on a pre-defined picking list. The batched quantities are meant to be taken from the pallet but nothing happens. How do I fix this?

picking attempt 1.fsm

FlexSim 24.0.2
pickingorder pickingorderpicking
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered - commented

In your updated model you do not assign the "product" label to the created items. Instead you are trying to assign the number as the name of the items which is causing the error messages since the name should be a string.

I am also not sure about the purpose of the "Item Quantities" list. All needed information is already available on the pick tokens.

And some of the label usage doesn't really make sense. For example, in the right most subflow, you use "product" as an array index, though the label at that point contains a reference to the pick token and not a number.

In the attached model I fixed the source schedule and reduced the number of created of items for testing purposes so the model doesn't take several seconds until all items are created.

In the "Picks" list I changed the setting regarding the SELECT keyword and use this to copy all needed values to the puller tokens, so the original pick-tokens can be discarded.


I also remodeled the subflows to be, hopefully, easy to follow.


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