
Abhishek Y avatar image
Abhishek Y asked Jeanette F commented

Picker staying idle for some reason I found this while browsing through the forum inorder to design my order picking model.

The question is the model that is in the article gets stuck after the picker has picked 5 orders, I really can't understand why does that happen. Is there a limit that the OP had? or there's some error there? Please help.


Adding the same file here, found this while going through the process flow, is the '4' in red indicate the number of tasks left to finish the cycle? cause that's how it matches the number 5(4 yet to start and 1 ongoing)


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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The Source creates 5 tokens. Each of those then pulls "order tokens" for one order number and vanishes in a sink once that order was picked.

There are multiple ways to allow more orders to be completed:

1. Create as many tokens as there are orders.


2. Have a single token loop through the Process Flow indefinitely, increment the OrderNo label between each cycle.


There is also another issue. When the assigning the Type to the tokens "gettablenum()" is used. But there are two type values in the tables that are strings (text) and not numbers. These will be interpreted as 0 and thus not match the Type label on the items.

The newer syntax "Table(tableName)[row][column]" should be used to assign the labels, so they can be of differing data types.



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