
Ousmane avatar image
Ousmane asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to load randomly by batch of article ?

In my model, I get the Orders as a table. and in the table I have the day the order number, the class, the article and the quantities. My model currently allows to make the preparation by order and by pallet in a random way. That is to say, if I have an order with several articles of different classes or not, my operator searches randomly for each box to put on the pallet. What I want to do now is have my "search item" find the item in the same location or close to the previous item if it is the same item and otherwise it will randomly search the box elsewhere.

Someone can help me with this please ?

attached my model for more details

Mini modele preparation.fsm

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Ousmane avatar image
Ousmane answered Ousmane commented

I developed a model that does approximately what I want.

during my picking, I use a "Decide", where I compare the value of the previous article with the article that I am about to pick. once it's the same label, I pick near to where I picked the previous article, otherwise I pick randomly.

attached my model

Mini modele preparation.fsm

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Clair A avatar image
Clair A answered Clair A commented

Hello @Ousmane ,

Here is a sample model that could help you: 2023-03-24 Picking logic.fsm.


When the operator starts a picking order, he looks for a non-empty pallet with the matching order type, and the closest from his current location, using this query in the Pull from List activity:

  1. WHERE Type = puller.OrderType AND boxes <> 0 ORDER BY distanceFromPickingOperator ASC

After loading a box, if the order quantity is not met, he will load the next box from the same pallet. If the pallet is empty, he will look again for a non-empty pallet with the matching order type, and the closest from his current location.

I hope that some parts of logic in this model will inspire you for your own model.

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