
Raquel avatar image
Raquel asked Joerg Vogel answered

Customize combiner logic

I have 15 different queues, where items are kept until batching is completed (60 items). When the batch is completed, a transporter picks the 60 items of a queue and take it to a combiner. Now, I want the combiner to combine those 60 items of input into only 1 output. I do not want to mix items of different queues because each queue contains a different item and they can't be mixed. I tried by creating a list, but it doesn't work.

Thanks in advance!

FlexSim 22.2.4
combinerlistsbatchingcustom logic
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

You go better with process flow and a processor than with a combiner. A combiner needs always two input connections. Each of your queues must be connected twice to a combiner. You receive a container item, and then you receive 59 items being joined. Upon received container item you must lock input sending queue to be the same object you receive joining items.
A processor can be set to pull items of partitioned list, until partition is empty and choose a different partition of a list.

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