
Mohamed Eldakroury avatar image
Mohamed Eldakroury asked Mohamed Eldakroury commented

Bar Chart Conditional Color Formatting


What is the best way to conditionally color bars in bar chart? There is another similar question on this forum ( and the recommended answer was to add "color" as a column in a statistics collector and use that as a variable to control color. However, I am pulling data from a calculated table and couldn't use the if statement in the calculated table, and I also want to do more than 2 colors depending on the value, let's say 0-10 GREEN, 10-20 BLUE, 20 and above RED.

Here's a sample model. I want to change the color of the bars for all 4 zones depending on the average weight value from the "AverageWeight" Calculated table.


FlexSim 23.2.0
calculated tablecolor changeformatting
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Mohamed Eldakroury commented

This is a little roundabout, but it seems to work:


The basic problem you faced is not being able to use if statements in your query. Technically, it is possible to use "CASE WHEN" statements. But in your case, I think that would be a lot of complicated SQL.

The approach I used in this model is a user command. FlexQL (FlexSim's SQL engine) recognizes most FlexScript commands as SQL functions. In this case, I made a function that returns a "rating" word based on a number, in a command called "ratingFromValue" that accepts a single number and returns a string:


  1. double value = param(1);
  3. if (value <= 10) {
  4. return "Good";
  5. }
  7. if (value <= 20) {
  8. return "Acceptable";
  9. }
  11. return "Overflow";

You can see that it would be easy to add in more color boundaries in this code.

Then, in the Query Builder, I added a new column:


Then in the chart, I colored by the Rating column:


· 1
5 |100000

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