
Adil M avatar image
Adil M asked Adil M commented

Decision Based on Queue Content

Truck Loading model_1.fsm-I want a decision to be made on based on the queue reaching a certain number. I had seen an answer to a similar question and tried to use the expression on the conditional decide but it still gives me an error.

- On the TDR process flow, I want the truck to hold the 12 content till the delay is completed, but wasn't sure how to connect the flow items to the token in the process flow.

FlexSim 24.1.0
queuequeue contentdecision
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Adil M commented

Set the Send to Port field of the truck to -1. This means it will not release the items. In the Process Flow, after the batch is complete, release all tokens and release the item in a Custom Code activity after the delay (Control -> BasicFR -> Release Item) through port 1. Activating "Through Port" overrides the Send to Port of the truck and the items can be released.


The upper flows currently break when the truck reaches 12 items, since the tokens are discarded and the respective pallets remain on the combiner forever. It would be a better idea to use a Wait for Event activity to wait for the content of the truck to be less than 12.


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