
gust-flex avatar image
gust-flex asked Jeanette F commented

Limit the items on a gravity flow rack

I want to limit the items in my gravity flow rack. I only want to items per slot in my rack. I tried to customize the code of "Slot Assignment Strategy" but it didn't work:

1712327425506.pngCan someone help me?

FlexSim 23.1.2
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

Did you add the "items" label to the slot. Because that's not a default expression. Other than that the code looks like you are trying to count the amount of items of a specific type in the slot. But due to the matching labels condition items with a different type can't be in the slot in the first place, no?

You can check how many items are assigned to a slot through the slotItems property of the slot class. So to limit the total quantity per slot you would just add "slot.slotItems.length < 2" to the condition.


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