
Rykou avatar image
Rykou asked Jeanette F commented

Pull item by label on specific time

I'm confused about how to make Queue2 pull the items by label(item.ID) on specific runtime from Rack. I have stored the require runtime and require item in globaltable("Require").

The attachments are as follows.Thanks.


FlexSim 24.0.1
queuerackpull strategy
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

Field "Pull Strategy" is not time based, it is port based. You return there from which input port this rack pulls items. Because you are using a descrete event simulation tool you must create events happening at your time values in your table. You can do this by messages. a message has a delay parameter. You can build messages on reset event of your model and send messages delayed by values of you table rows or you compute from current run time an actual delay to next event from row to row.

To iniatie a pull item action, you should have closed the input of your queue after a previous item has entered the queue. Then you update a label at your queue, which Type of item you want to pull. And finally you open the input on message event again in your queue.

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