
Thibaut avatar image
Thibaut asked Emily Hardy edited

Pull items depending on the available number of a certain item

Hi all,

I have a Rack which is connected to a Separator.

The Rack is filled with Pallets (composed of boxes) that have different types (1, 2, 3, ...).

I would like the Separator to pull Pallets from the Rack based on the following strategy:

  1. Check which type is the most present in the Rack (ex: Type 1)
  2. Pull a Pallet that have type 1
  3. Check if there is still Pallets of type 1
  4. If there is, go to Step 2, If not, go to Step 1

My goal is to have a Separator when pulling that changes itemtype as few times as possible.

Thanks in advance,


FlexSim 18.0.2
rackpull strategyitemtypepullpull requirement
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Emily Hardy edited

It sounds like what you'd like to use is a list. When your pallets arrive on the rack, set the Rack's send to port method to be to push the pallets to a list. (Rather than using port logic)

Then you can set up the separator, (or create a Process Flow for the logic) to pull the pallets from the list. In the list pull, you can add queries that allow you to order and specify the items or objects that you want to pull from the list. I generally prefer using the Process Flow route here, since I feel it gives more control over how/where you pull the items and what do with the pulled items and the list.

There is a section in the user manual that specifically goes over Lists and how to implement/use them. User Manual > Connecting 3D Object Flows > Lists. Many of the basic tutorials and Process Flow tutorials also go into detail on creating and using lists within your model.

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