
lancewu avatar image
lancewu asked Jeanette F commented

About the viewtofile command

I know that the viewtofile command can convert views into images and save them locally. My current requirement is to transfer this image as data. Saving locally will cause the model to lag.

Is there a way to use FlexScript or DLL Maker to capture this view without saving the image locally, and convert it into data.

FlexSim 22.1.4
using codeview
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered
Processing of screen data externally of FlexSim to provide it as an output data on a web server will always consume process time on a single computer. If you have two computers available you can run FlexSim on one of them. The other can capture by a screen capture device the provided display data and convert it as content for a web server. Any conversion of data like providing display content will slow down any run speed of a simulation tool. As described you can split needed power by using efficiently created display data on a different computer.

BUT as already said you can easily analyze that dashboard display output charts have an increasing lag between model runtime and displayed state in a dashboard directly correlated to model run speed.

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