
Cindy Azuero avatar image
Cindy Azuero asked Phil BoBo edited

how can I record different views at the same time with video recorder?


I'm making a video and I want to record various output files at the same time, each one with a different view (ideally using the ones in the view interface on quick properties panel). How can I do this?

FlexSim 16.2.1
video recorderview
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Kari Payton avatar image Kari Payton commented ·

@Cindy Azuero I used an external application to record my screen. Like gamers use for youtube.

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·

I think Kari's solution would be the best option. I'm pretty sure that FlexSim can only capture one view at a time. I'd go with 3rd party software as Kari suggests.

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Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered

If I'm understanding your question. You could do this two ways. First, you could just open up multiple instances of Flexsim (your model) and have each instance start recording each of the different views at the same time.

Alternatively, you can create a flypath for each view you've created. Then in your Recorder, create several output files, and assign each one with the corresponding flight path, which correspond to each view.

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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

Sam's answer is correct if you are trying to "record various output files at the same time" as your question says.

If you are trying to record different 3D views into a single output file, you can use the Video Recorder's Shared Sequences to add multiple Layers to your output, which can include different 3D views being recorded at the same time into the same output file.

Using this, you can get picture-in-picture output of your model, including 3D views and Dashboards.

See the attached sample model.

pip-video-rec.gif (11.3 MiB)
pip-video-rec.fsm (69.8 KiB)
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