
Lilian Fonseca avatar image
Lilian Fonseca asked Sam Stubbs answered

Video running differently from simulation


I am trying to record a simulation video of the attached model. However, after I record it, I notice there is a difference between the movement of the robot (the end effector rotates in a very strange move for no reason) at the beginning of the video. I have already tried to record twice, and this issue remains to happen. Is there any solution for that?

Here is a screen shot of the video so that it is possible to compare the differences I am describing:

Thank you very much.

FlexSim 16.1.0
simulationvideo recorder
axoyr.png (723.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered

I think we figured out what the issue is. This happens because you start your recording at 12 (instead of 0, the start time of the model). The Robot hasn't been prerendered to be in the particular position it normally is at that time. So when it positions itself to be in the right spot for the starting keyframe it results in a strange starting position.

What I would recommend with this particular model, is to record starting at time 0:00, but then in the video editing software of your choice simply edit the video down to the start time you'd choose.

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